Classroom Structure - Comprehensive Management Plan

Mrs. Thomas's Disipline Plan  

Class Rules


  1. Be Prompt and Prepared
  2. Be Polite and a Positive Participant  
  3. Be Productive and a Problem-Solver



  1. This allows you to get your brain ready to focus and ensures students have all items needed to be successful.
  2. This rule is necessary to provide a productive learning environment and to help Students feel safe from verbal abuse.
  3. This rule is necessary to teaches students to work together as a team and to be able to develop awareness of others around them.



  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Behavior Entry Journal
  3. Behavior Entry Journal and Parent to Assist with Resolution
  4. Behavior Entry Journal, Parental Contact and Office Referral


  1. All homework in grading period in on time – 10 points added to lowest HW grade
  2. Free Dress Day – Good Behavior
  3. Free Supply Box – Good Behavior and All Homework on Time
  4. Book Choice – Good Behavior, All homework on Time, and Perfect Attendance